4 week ab challenge

Since it’s always bikini season in Panama, we wanted to add a little extra pizazz to our abdominal region. Thank you to Camilo for introducing us to this awesome challenge!

You can either watch the youtube video below, or if you don’t have reliable internet (like us), we have written it out for you.

Week 1: 1 Set x 4 days a week
Week 2: 2 Sets x 4 days a week
Week 3: 3 Sets x 4 days a week
Week 4: 4 Sets x 4 days a week

The following has to be done none stop and it will count as 1 set.

  • 30 crunches
  • 20 bicycle crunch
  • 30 toe touch (you’ve done this with me)
  • 20 reverse crunch
  • 15 side planks hip on right side
  • 30 lifted knee crunches
  • 15 side plank hip on left side
  • 40 Russian twists
  • 30 bicycle crunches
  • 15 oblique pull up on right side
  • 20 reverse crunch
  • 15 oblique pull up on left side
  • 10 leg lifts
  • Stretch break

*We are currently two weeks into this routine and loving it!

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